The administration office is open from 8.00am to 3.45pm Monday to Friday.
The school day starts at 8.45am to 2.45pm. The bell times are as follows:
8.40 a.m. Warning Bell
8.45 a.m. School Starts
10.45 a.m. First Break (40 minutes lunch and play)
11.20 a.m. Warning Bell
11.25 a.m. School Restarts
12.55 p.m. Second Break (30 minutes lunch and play)
1.20 p.m. Warning Bell
1.25 p.m. School Restarts
2.45 p.m. School Finishes
Students should not enter the school grounds before 8.30 a.m. Those who do must sit in the Covered Games Area until the 8.30 a.m. bell. Students should leave before 3.00 p.m. unless other arrangements have been made with the Office Staff. Children who are walking and/or riding home should leave the grounds as soon as they are released from class at 2.45pm. Normal classroom rules apply during the before and after school periods. So that they are not implicated in vandalism, no person is allowed on school premises on weekends or after hours without the written permission of the Principal. A policy outlining use of school facilities is available at the office.
Children will eat their lunches under the covered eating areas and will remain seated until dismissed by teachers on duty when the play bell rings. Children are then free to play, collect sporting equipment or go to the library.
Children will not enter classrooms without their teacher’s permission nor remain there unless a teacher/adult is present. Nor should children play in, or around toilets.
At the end of lunch, children stop playing, return all sporting equipment, go to the toilet, wash hands and prepare for school when the “stop-play” bell sounds.
Each year level has designated play areas and children are to play in the areas for their year levels only.