
Behaviour management


Download The Responsible Behaviour Plan for Students for Mount Archer State School.

The Responsible Behaviour Plan for students is designed to facilitate high standards of behaviour so that the learning and teaching in our school can be effective and students can participate positively within our school community.


Schools exist to provide children with an education.  Any inappropriate behaviour, which disrupts the learning environment, interferes with the right of students to receive the full benefit of their years at school.  No student should be denied the opportunity to learn because of the actions of any other student.

This school has developed behaviour management procedures which include recording the episodes of misbehaviour of pupils.   As misbehaviour increases, a corresponding program is brought into action.  In severe cases, parents are informed and requested to visit the Principal.  Children who deliberately and wilfully continue to disrupt classes and cause problems may be suspended/excluded from school.


Mount Archer SS has adopted three broad school rules; BE Safe, BE Respectful, BE Responsible. Correct behaviour is expected at all times. Teachers will regularly explain our School Behaviour Code to students, and general reminders will be given on weekly assemblies.


Children must not climb trees, jump fences, run on paths, throw stones, sticks or other dangerous objects, or climb on roofs of buildings and covered walk ways for any reason.  Balls on roofs or in rafters must stay there until retrieved by an adult.
“Bat and ball” games are not played before school unless supervised directly by an adult. The Adventure Playgrounds and Fitness Circuit must not be accessed by students either before or after school unless they are being directly supervised by a Teacher or Teacher-Aide.
Last reviewed 02 April 2020
Last updated 02 April 2020