
Health & Safety



From 1 January 2015, smoking is banned at all Queensland state and non-state schools, and for 5 metres beyond their boundaries.
The law applies at all times—during and after school hours, on weekends and during school holidays. It includes the use of all smoking products, including regular cigarettes and devices commonly known as electronic cigarettes.
The buffer is a 5 metre no-smoking area around the perimeter of the school, beyond the school land boundary; including all structures in this area, such as bus shelters and car parks. This area does not extend into residential or business premises that share a boundary with school land.
More information can be found on the Queensland Health website.


Improvements to Education Queensland’s Sun Safety Strategy makes it compulsory for primary school children in state schools to wear sun-shirts or T-shirts during school water-based activities.  The Sun Safety Strategy changes will also mean that all primary and secondary schools must provide a broad-spectrum, water-resistant sunscreen of SPF 30 or better for students to apply on uncovered areas of the skin such as the face and back of the hands when they are outdoors.


Children are exposed to the risk of catching infectious diseases when in close contact with one another at school.  Some examples of infectious diseases that may spread in school are Measles, Mumps, Chicken Pox, Rubella and Hepatitis A.  If your child contracts German Measles please inform the teacher immediately so that any mothers who are pregnant may be informed.
Infectious children may have little or no outward sign of disease.  They may not even realise they are carrying a disease.  It is therefore important that general precautions be taken to reduce the chance of infections spreading.  Only in this way will the spread of illness from undetected infectious children be prevented.

To reduce the chance of infections spreading, the school follows strict safety, hygiene and first aid guidelines.  It is particularly important that children with open skin wounds have these covered with fresh waterproof dressings before coming to school. 

In the case of minor ailments, parents are asked to send children to school at their own discretion.  Remember that a sick child is better at home with his/her parent/caregiver than at school, unhappy and spreading germs to other children.  It would be best to keep your child at home and/or consult a doctor if your child has the following symptoms:

- a temperature of 38° or above
- vomiting
- diarrhoea
- severe cold or flu symptoms
- unknown rashes

Your co-operation is sought in this regard.  You are also advised to consider having your child vaccinated against diseases that are likely to spread at school.  Information about vaccination can be obtained from the hospital or from your own doctor.

The Queensland Department of Health provides information about the recommended minimum exclusion period for infectious conditions (PDF, 719KB).


If it is necessary for a child to take medicine on doctor’s orders during school hours, then parents must complete the following procedures:
  1. Only medicine prescribed by a doctor can be administered in accordance with the written instructions of the medical practitioner.  The original pharmaceutical instructions must be on the container. The school is not permitted to administer non-prescribed medication (including Aspirin, Panadol, etc.)
  2. A medication permission form is available from the office. The form must clearly state the name of the medication; the correct dosage; the time the medication is to be administered.
  3. All medication is kept in a secure location at the office and will be administered by the members of staff who have volunteered to undertake the necessary training in administration of medication. 
  4. Please make sure all medication is labelled with your child’s name and year level. A written record will be kept of all medication administered.  All unused medication will be returned home.
  5. A health plan and emergency action plan for the student will need to be devised in consultation with parents/caregivers and the medical practitioner.  This plan will have to be reviewed on a regular basis.


Asthmatic students who are responsible for taking their own medication at home should have ready access to their asthma medication during school hours,
provided that written permission from a parent or legal guardian is presented to the school when they first commence the medication.
The recommended procedure is as follows:
  1. parents, legal guardians, caregivers provide written permission for students to administer their own medication as deemed necessary by the students.
  2. students able to use medication dispensers may be responsible for their own inhalers.  It is not a requirement that inhalers be stored in a central location as required for other medications.
  3. students will not be denied access to their inhalers.
  4. an inhaler for emergency situations is included in the school’s first aid kit.


Please notify the administration upon enrolment, of any specific allergies that your child may suffer.


In the event of illness or accident, every effort is made to contact the parent/s or caregivers of the child.  In the event of serious illness or injury, when a parent cannot be contacted, the school will decide what course of action will be taken. Should the injury or illness appear severe, the child will be transported to their nominated doctor, or to a public hospital, by ambulance for treatment. The school does not assume responsibility for costs incurred. It is essential that all contact information be up-to-date and accurate.  Should any details change, please inform the office in writing in order to prevent any confusion.  Suitable arrangements will be made to notify parents of the action taken.
Minor injuries will be dealt with in the First Aide Room.  Due to Workplace Health and Safety restrictions, most minor injuries and insect bites will be treated with ice and water.  Should we be concerned about any deeper cuts or abrasions, parents will be contacted immediately.


Even though the treatment of head lice is a family responsibility, we try to support this process by having resource materials available.  Please contact office staff if you have any questions.  It is also helpful for all concerned if you contact the school to advise us if your child has head lice. An information kit is available for interested parents.


Toileting accidents sometimes happen.  Please let the teacher know if you have any concerns about your child in this area.  We will ring parents/caregivers or emergency contacts to change a child if this occurs.  Should your child need a shower as the result of an accident, there is a shower on site should you wish to use it.
Last reviewed 02 April 2020
Last updated 02 April 2020