Should you have any concerns regarding your child’s education, you should discuss these first with the class teacher. Appointments should be arranged at a time that is suitable to all people involved. Please feel free to ring the office to organise appointments. This allows the staff to be prepared and uninterrupted during the meetings. Teachers are usually unable to accept telephone calls during class time, but a message will be passed along to the person concerned. A newsletter is sent home every second Thursday and contains a wealth of useful information for parents and students about curriculum, classroom and school activities.
Reporting to parents is an important part of school evaluation. At the end of each semester, report cards are handed out to pupils. Parents are invited to school for a conference with their child’s teacher to discuss his/her progress twice yearly. A class parent meeting may be held at the start of each year in lieu of one of the interviews. Parents are able to discuss their child’s progress with the teacher at other times should this be necessary. Please contact the school for a convenient appointment time.
Every second Friday the school’s newsletter is emailed to parents, family and community members subscribed to our email list. Parents are asked to read the newsletter to keep up-to-date with school activities and events. We encourage all parents to subscribe to our newsletter.
Mount Archer State School has a Facebook page. Updates are posted as events occur during the school year. We encourage past students, parents and other interested community members to follow our Facebook page. Please note, as Facebook's terms and conditions state users need to be 13 years and older our Facebook page is not intended for use by our students.
Parents/caregivers are most welcome to attend our regular assemblies, which are held every Friday morning from 9:00am.